Thursday, 18 May 2017

Bouquet on a Budget

 Chrysanthemum Bouquet

Long lasting, and affordable. Chrysanthemums are available in many colours and, although some varieties have a single head, many types have up to 20 heads per stem. Even the single head types usually have larger blooms. These are excellent flowers to give an impressive sized gift of flowers, even on a budget, as the colours can be mixed.
Chrysanthemum bouquets start from £10.00 (including free delivery locally) 

I will post more chrysanthemum bouquets soon on this blog.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Wedding Flowers - Silk Bridal Packages

This package includes.
3x single rose boutonniere (@ £2.00 each)
2x double rose boutonniere (@ £2.50 each)
2x rose corsage (@ £5.00 each)
2x medium bridesmaid posy (@ £15.00 each)
1x flowergirl wand (@ £10.00 each)

Package Price: £50.00

 Dusky pink silk bridal package

 dusky pink silk bridal flowers package

 dusky pink silk roses package